Monday, May 17, 2010


"The work will wait while you show the child the rainbow, but the rainbow won't wait while you do the work."

We saw this beautiful rainbow last week, at our house.  It was the first rainbow that Maci (4) has ever seen.  I think rainbows are neat  whether it's the first time you've seen one or twentieth time!

Of course I didn't take just one picture...


  1. very nice! It looks bright, especially to be seen in the photos!

  2. Beautiful photos! So glad to see your back..haven't seen you in awhile and was starting to worry. I know how things get steamrolling this time of year, and with young children, I bet you are one busy gal!! Rainbows are then best and what a neat way to see it again...though a youngsters first glimpse!!

  3. I love the quote. Your pictures are very pretty. Rainbows are magical in some way and deserve to be admired when they appear. It looks like there may be some gold out in that field :)

  4. Oh how beautiful!!! Have ya'll gotten in the field at all. I have been missin' your post's...glad to to see your still there! I just love those photo's!!

  5. Absolutely beautiful pictures, and the quote is just as nice. I was hoping I'd see a rainbow here after all the rain last week, but no luck.

  6. Gosh, it's nice to be missed, everyone! I'll try to keep in touch a little better.

    Janet: No beans in the ground yet, we're behind most others, but it's actually been a good thing since it's been so cool the beans that where in the ground aren't doing anything anyway. How 'bout you guys? all planted?
