Monday, November 28, 2011


Date Plate Black Save The Date
View the entire collection of cards.


  1. Hi there and been missing seeing whats happening in your neck of the woods. I know it gets busy sometimes and I admit I don't blog much either...but I love seeing others. Hope to hear from you soon and Congratulations on Guthrie. Your brother? I think your too young for a son as old...but then has been awhile since I've read some adventures on your children! LOL..Ok...just want to see your imaginative posts though!!

  2. Hey Deb! Good to hear from you too! Guthrie is my co-worker/friend's daughter. They asked me to put together a 'save the date' card. I wasn't able to e-mail it to her to show her, but I was able to post it on my blog so she could see it....and everybody else could see it too! Cute couple, I'm so excited for them. ANYWAY, how's everything up your way?
